On Wednesday, October 25, Virginia CLE will present a seminar at the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond featuring Virginia Supreme Court Justice Stephen R. McCullough. This two-hour Ethics CLE will focus on the philosophical underpinnings and practical benefits of civility and the practice of law.
The CLE will be followed first by a luncheon sponsored by the Nuremberg Courtroom Committee of the Virginia Holocaust Museum and the Virginia Law Foundation, with generous support from VLF Fellow Jay Weinberg, and then by a brief Rule of Law awards program where Hon. Donald W. Lemons, Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, will be awarded the sponsors’ inaugural Civility in the Law Award and Hon. J. Harvie Wilkinson, III, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Judge, will be presented with the annual Rule of Law Award.
Guests not seeking CLE credit are welcome free of charge, but must pre-register by emailing Tanya Morris at tmorris@vacle.org.
Caption: Virginia Supreme Court Justice Donald W. Lemons giving the keynote address at the Foundation’s 2014 Fellows Dinner.